DePace Lab, Warren Alpert Building - HMS

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DePace Lab, Warren Alpert Building - HMS

DePace Lab, Warren Alpert Building - HMS
LEED Rating System
LEED for Commercial Interiors
LEED Rating Version
Certification Level
Month Completed
Year Completed
Client (School/Department)

Project highlights

• 98% of the on-site generated construction waste was diverted from the landfill. • 31% of the project furniture and furnishings were salvaged, refurbished or reused. • 79% of the building materials (by value) were manufactured within 500 miles of Boston. • 100% of the equipment and appliances are Energy Star® rated

Project summary

DePace Lab is located on the 4th floor of the Harvard Medical School’s Warren Alpert Building at 200 Longwood Avenue in Boston, MA. The renovation project achieved LEED-CI certification at the Gold level in July, 2009. This was the first renovation of a wet lab at Harvard University to achieve a LEED certification, and shows the Medical Schools strong commitment to sustainability. The 1,900 square foot renovation of the DePace Lab was completed in May, 2008 to meet the needs of Professor Angela DePace, whose group conducts research on genetics and evolution. A stated goal of the project was to provide a top quality lab facility while reusing the existing conditions as much as possible. This lead to the reuse of existing fume hoods, certain pieces of case work, and a carefully planned selective demolition of only some interior walls.